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exhibitions and events

2024……tel un vampire avant l’aube / oikoptographs
a house transformed into single-use camerae obscurae
with ute göbbels (drawings)
artist residence in the fgz, a housing association in zurich

2023……la valise de saint galle
citizen photographers explore st gallen with suitcase pinhole cameras
by maéva hormain and oliver zenklusen
a contribution to mobile, st gallen

2022       veneralia / consistent with the data
a glimpse into a prehistoric-photographic treasure trove
group exhibition ja nein vielleicht
kunsthallen toggenburg, propstei st. peterzell

2022       fotografieren wie vor 100 jahren
portrait workshop series: from the historic camera to the darkroom
in parallel to the exhibition the future is blinking
museum rietberg, zurich

2021        im kasten / at the window, out of the window
a wardrobe in a hotel room becomes a camera (installation, photography)
group exhibition alles im kasten
kunsthalle(n) toggenburg, germen, nesslau

2021       la valise zurichoise
citizen photographers explore zurich-altstetten with suitcase cameras
by maéva hormain and oliver zenklusen
a contribution to about us!, zurich

2020       veneralia / chaleur obscure
the discovery of the ‘venus of hardthurm’ (installation)
festival living room stadionbrache, curated by café des visions
stadionbrache hardturm, zurich

2019       gesicht / gedicht
instant portraits of people reading poetry
contribution to the long night of zürich’s museums
strauhof, zurich

2019       orbites improbables / magnificent desolation
looking back at the earth from the moon (installation)
festival living room stadionbrache, curated by café des visions
stadionbrache hardturm, zurich

2018       portraitdienst / double exposure
twin portraits: poetic prose by julia weber, photographs by oliver zenklusen
literature festival buchbasel, basel

2018       bleu blanc noir
installation and experiments around the colours of the sky over zurich
festival living room stadionbrache, curated by café des visions
stadionbrache hardturm, zurich

2018       unkraut / over your cities grass will grow
cyanotype herbarium, installation (with silvia müller)
exposition xl, kunstraum r57, zurich

2017       8 minutes 19 seconds / ces nouveaux adorateurs du soleil
neolithic solar observatory (reconstruction), open air installation
festival living room stadionbrache, curated by café des visions
stadionbrache hardturm, zurich

2017       be motionless, i beg you / portraits im wunderland
box camera portraits, loosely inspired by lewis carroll
re-opening of the stadelhofen theatre, zurich

2016       un bout de souffle
duchenne portraits
made in the exhibition atemzug
zuger kunstnacht 2016, zug

2016       chambre claire / chambre noire
spaceprobe pinhole camera, open air installation
festival living room stadionbrache, curated by café des visions
stadionbrache hardturm, zurich

2016       zurich-kaboul
box camera street portraits
contribution to the festival blickfelder
pfingstweid park, zurich

2016       souvenirs from glauser’s world
instant portraits made in friedrich glauser’s world as seen by hannes binder
contribution to the exhibition friedrich glauser – ce n’est pas très beau
strauhof, zurich

2015       zug-kaboul
box camera street portraits
contribution to the project ohne rast
hosted by the city of zug

2015       unkraut / over your cities grass will grow
with silvia müller
cyanotype photograms, ephemeral open-air installation
festival living room stadionbrache, curated by café des visions
stadionbrache hardturm, zurich

2015       zurich-kaboul
box camera portraits in a temporary exhibition (1/12 egli)
curated by rémy jaccard
eglispace, zurich

2015       comme un tigre au galop sur le toit / like a tiger bounding along the roof
a storytelling night around the photobook with a reading from nicolas bouvier’s
japanese diaries
duplikat buch & papier, zurich

2014       d’un monde flottant / of a floating world
group exhibition: bildwelten_8
kunstraum r57, zurich

2014       zurich-kaboul
box camera portraits
festival gestohlene räume (stolen spaces)
presented by instantfaktor, stadionbrache hardturm, zurich

2014       studio buchegg
artist residence at the gemeinschaftszentrum buchegg, zurich
room-sized pinhole camera, workshops for children and adults,
open doors, boxcamera portraits
hosted by kinderkultur and züricher gemeinschaftszentren

2014       between cities (zwischen den städten)
a hotel room on roads travelled by marco polo; photography, audio, installation
group exhibition: hotel arthur
ebnat-kappel, switzerland
initiated and curated by kunsthalle(n) toggenburg

2013       d’un monde flottant / of a floating world
book release
duplikat buch & papier, zurich

2013       carnet de dix / the lyre of orpheus
group exhibition: bildwelten_7
kunstraum r57, zurich

2013       stories and polaroids from invisible cities:
zurich (cities and eyes), zobeide (cities and desire)
with oliver zenklusen as marco polo
südbühne, gessnerallee theatre, zurich
part of the programme invisible zurichs, curated by zURBS

2013      lokalgenial
open doors at les delices du chaos
lokalgenial is a trail through 165 open artists’ studios in zurich

2013      les villes invisibles: tome 3/ zobeide
solo exhibition
zeichengalerie grenacher, zurich

2012       a vol d’oiseau / as the crow flies
group exhibition: bildwelten_6
kunstraum r57, zurich

2012       carnet de dix / the lyre of orpheus
group exhibition: himmelwärts12
station21, zurich

2012       entre les eaux
open air installation, group exhibition hosted by the association nouvelle donne
coup d’art sur la ville: in/ex – paysages interieurs / paysages exterieurs
a contemporary art walk across the city of cahors, france

2012       les villes invisibles: tome 2/ paris
double exhibition with luzia lötscher
hosted by the initiative hidden talents
alumni lounge, eth campus hönggerberg, zurich

2011       photo perdue (lost photography) #5
project ongoing since 2007
group project and exhibition: luftlinie 2430
kunstraum r57 and station21, zurich

2011       à vol d’oiseau (as the crow flies)
luftlinie 2430, group project and exhibition
kunstraum r57 and station21, zurich

2011       natures vivantes (unstill lifes)
solo exhibition
zentrum der körperarbeit, zurich

2010       taxi dakar
from the series entre les eaux
slide show by the collective by postcard only
rencontres cinématographique de cerbère, france

2010       errances de nuit
group exhibition, curated by click
atrium of the university of zurich

2009       luna
portraits, slide show
workshop windows, les delices du chaos, zurich

2008        les villes invisibles: tome 1/ zurich
group exhibition
photo08, photography fair, zurich

2008        les villes invisibles: tome 1/ zurich
entre les eaux – serie zero
solo exhibition
station21, zurich